SAINT WISDOM: Benedict XVI ( Corpus Christi homily May 26, 2005)

Loving Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, you move hearts that are harder than rock, you melt spirits that are colder than ice, and you reach souls that are more impenetrable than diamonds

The Longing Heart Of Thomas

Thomas, you with longing heart
Did want to see and touch your risen Lord.
Your craving love for broken side and wounded hand
Only wanted all, to touch and hold your risen Lord
with probing fingers in His hands and side.
For you believed He was the Christ and King of all
But longing for the eyes to see, and only then
to fall on bended knee, “My Lord and my God.”
This held you back from greatest trust,
to love and hold the unseen risen One
as many, many have through ages done.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Polidoro da Caravaggio

ACTS 4:11-12

"This Jesus is ‘the stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among human beings by which we must be saved."