SAINT WISDOM: Benedict XVI ( Corpus Christi homily May 26, 2005)

Loving Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, you move hearts that are harder than rock, you melt spirits that are colder than ice, and you reach souls that are more impenetrable than diamonds

Virgin Of Sorrow

Icon of Madonna Mother of God (Mary) and Jesus Christ on mahogany and gold

Virgin of sorrow at the cross
your Jesus little child once held
now crushed for sins hangs bleeding
while your heart a sword is piercing
touch my heart to know contrition pleading.

Rose of Sorrow at the cross
a mother’s tears like no other
flow for me whose sins have caused such loss
touch my heart with love dear mother
that I might share your bitter sorrow

ACTS 4:11-12

"This Jesus is ‘the stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among human beings by which we must be saved."