SAINT WISDOM: Benedict XVI ( Corpus Christi homily May 26, 2005)

Loving Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, you move hearts that are harder than rock, you melt spirits that are colder than ice, and you reach souls that are more impenetrable than diamonds

The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Praise and thank you Father of us all; by your will, incomprehensible to us, you created your mother without the effect and burden of original sin which we carry. You saved her, redeemed her from the moment of her conception.

We call this day, this great Solemnity, The Immaculate Conception The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Freed from the captivity of sin that mars our ability to love, she remained fully human like us. As we can be at times before the Presence of God, she was perplexed when Gabriel said to her, “Hail. Full of Grace. The Lord is with you.”

Holy Mother of God, our Mother, too, hold us tenderly; take us by the hand into the heart of Jesus where we can hide and rest as the darkness and chaos of sin swirls in its futile attempt to destroy us.

Thank you, bless you and praise you for your yes to the angel who told you the incomprehensible message that you, as a virgin, would conceive and bear a son, to be named Jesus. Gabriel explained how this would happen, “ The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Holy Spirit will overshadow you…” In that moment of wonder and perplexity, you freely abandoned yourself saying, “let it be done to me.”

In his homily in Malta, John Paul II told us, “...At the foot of the Cross, Mary is fully revealed as Mother of the Church, Mater Ecclesiae inviting each of us to trust in her prayers. Let us never hesitate to turn to her! How often, in your families, do you feel powerless in the face of painful and apparently insoluble situations?..”

I place all my weakness, all my sins into your Immaculate heart dear Mother. I never hesitate, I run to you, though at times my faith can be so feeble, my running so slow and weak. You know me and love me. You have seen my tears flowing from the love I have for my sons and daughters who suffer. Yours flowed, too at the sight of your son’s suffering and death.

Help me to love Jesus with an unwavering trust that he will never let me be separated from him and that he has my seven in his arms carrying them home.

Help me to do what he tells me.

ACTS 4:11-12

"This Jesus is ‘the stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among human beings by which we must be saved."